"Luna’s Self Worth Revival has been life changing for me. I have struggled with self worth, negative self talk, depression, poor body image, & basically have apologized to everyone for taking up any space & being a bother most of the past 20 years. I feel like a different woman at the end of his program. I feel love & compassion for myself, I see beauty in my body & talk kindly to it, I feel more gratitude for all the experiences I have been through & see lessons & future possibilities. I feel like I see a Goddess, that there is radiant beauty in. I feel a feminine softness & power. I thought it was possible to have growth & improve my self worth but to see myself as a Goddess didn’t seem likely & I am amazed to not only see it, but to be embracing it. I am so grateful for the chance to learn from Luna & to have daily practices in place & tools to support where I am at now & continue to heal moving forward."
"For twelve years I have struggled with my place in the world & mental health. Even those who are close to me do not understand the truth of what my soul has to offer. Luna has provided a straightforward, compassionate, & inspiring approach to life & spirituality that has greatly improved my mindset in but a few short sessions. She is a beautiful soul that has nothing but the best to provide. <3"
"I came into the SWR program lost, broken & feeling hopeless. Having the guidance & support of not only Luna, but also the others in our group, I was able to work through the barricades & energy blocks I was holding within. Discovering my inner self, I learned what I didn't realize was holding me back from self-acceptance & unconditional self-love. After unearthing what was buried & hidden, I have been able to free myself from all negativity, energy blocks & feelings that no longer served me. By the end of the program, I have become a strong, confident & worthy goddess that I am so proud of. The SWR program is life changing!"
"Taking steps to heal my root imbalances gave me a better foundation for experiencing life. The program offers a structure to examine your past & current state, & provides guidance & resources for a future filled with healing & change. Through the program, I’ve learned strategies to feel safer with myself & guide myself to a more aligned & present state of being. Luna is organized, knowledgeable, enthusiastic, caring, & a natural guide. She set up the program in a way that heals from all angles."
"For me this program was life changing, not just me but also my family. As I grew, my family also picked up upon healing rituals that really put us on a healing path. Luna’s guidance, love & knowledge helped me in so many ways! She is a true healer!"
"Working with Luna on this program requires you to really give your life some thought, where you came from, where you are going, & what's really important to you. There isn't any room for being wishy-washy! Do you want to make things better? Then you have to be honest & do the work. Luna is the ultimate accountability partner!"
"I found the SWR program to be more beneficial & helpful to me than the 35 years of psychiatric therapy I have been in. You have taught me that I have value & I am okay just the way I am. I have a deeper appreciation for myself & a clearer understanding of my life's purpose. Thank you Luna. Keep shining!"
"I have felt safer in my body & that my body trusts me too... I have felt an increase in self love & appreciation for my body like I have never had before in my life. I feel like I am open to love - both giving & receiving."
"Luna, your program was life-changing. After struggling profoundly with my identity on a psychological level my entire life, I have found footing & come to understand whom I am. This alone is life-changing.
My perspective is more well-balanced between philosophical & practical than it has ever been. My spiritual connection keeps me afloat as I learn to stick up for myself & as I repair my relationships. Through your program, Luna, I have gained the spiritual confidence to set boundaries & as a result, I have repaired my relationship with my father completely after not speaking for over a year.
I have removed myself from a toxic workplace & found a healthy one. I have set boundaries which have caused more safety in my domestic environment. I have learned to use my voice. I have gained the spiritual clout to change my life in the ways I need to.
Thank you for changing my life, Luna."
"Luna's wealth of knowledge & sensitive yet confident & clear delivery are perfect for those looking to explore any area of self-improvement. The diversity of tools & practices in this program made it accessible & customizable for my life & current needs."
"I have already reached out to various women who I think would also benefit from Luna’s Self-Worth Revival course for a positive & effective outcome to elevate their own personal life journey."